Write for us about adult topics

We are always on the lookout for fresh perspectives and talented writers. If you have a unique idea, we would love to hear about it!

To become a guest contributor on our platform, here's what you need to know - from guidelines and submission criteria to the topics you can write about. You will find all the information you need in the following.


Please consider the following guidelines before submitting your content:

  • Articles should be between 800-1500+ words in length
  • All articles should be checked for grammar and spelling errors before submission
  • All content must be original and previously unpublished. We will run it through Copyscape.
  • Images should be taken from free-to-use sites such as ShutterStock, Pixabay, or any other site that grants you the rights to use the images. Please specify the source of the images.
  • Links are permitted in the article if they are to a relevant resource site. You may include one backlink to your blog in your author bio only. For a backlink to your business website, please refer to our advertising page.

Submission Criteria

Before submitting a full article, kindly send us the title and a brief summary of the piece you wish to write. This will help us avoid duplicates on our website. Once we have approved your topic, you may submit your article, along with the following requirements:

  • The article should be the final draft.
  • Images used in the article should be attached in a zip folder for our access.
  • An author bio with an author image should be included.

Please allow up to two weeks for us to get back to you. We will inform you if the article will be published on our site.

Note: We reserve the right to modify, change, or reject any article that does not fit the standards of our website.


It's time to submit your content! You can reach out to our team by submitting to our e-mail. One of our editors will review your content and determine if it's a good fit for our site.

We look forward to your contribution. Happy writing!

You can contact us by email address:
email address